A beginner’s guide to TikTok hashtags


Learn why you should use hashtags on your TikTok videos.
Find out how to search for trending hashtags on TikTok.
Follow TikTok hashtags best practices to grow your following and engagement.
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TikTok is the world’s fastest-growing social media platform, and while hashtags aren’t new, they’re still essential to get your content seen. Hashtags are like secret codes that help your videos get seen by more people. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll show you how to use hashtags on TikTok correctly. You’ll learn how to pick the best hashtags for your videos and how to make more people find and enjoy your content. Let’s discover how to make your videos stand out and reach the audience you’re looking for on TikTok. 

Why use hashtags on TikTok?

Millions of videos are uploaded to TikTok daily; hashtags help categorize your videos and increase their chances of being seen. This is especially true if you want to reach new audiences or people who don’t follow your channel.

Hashtags connect your videos to broader trends, conversations, and communities on the platform. When you carefully select relevant hashtags, you significantly increase the chances of your content being discovered by wider audiences. This can lead to higher engagement, more followers, and even viral success. Hashtags are the keys to unlocking TikTok’s massive potential for visibility and connection. 

However, it’s not a case of the more the merrier. It’s essential to use relevant and trending hashtags; otherwise, they won’t be effective.

How do you search for hashtags?

Let’s dive deeper into the world of trending TikTok hashtags and learn how to find trending hashtags. It’s pretty simple, really. 

All you need to do to find popular TikTok hashtags is open the TikTok app, and on the bottom of the screen, tap the second option – “Discover”. You will recognize it by the illustration of a magnifying glass.

This will open a page with videos tagged with trending TikTok hashtags.

You can now search through the suggested videos or use the search bar at the top to look for trending hashtags on TikTok that you want to see more of. It really is that simple.

Your hashtag strategy 

Now that you know how to find trending hashtags on TikTok, let’s discuss your best TikTok hashtag strategy.

By strategy, we mean that you should use your hashtags wisely. Adding popular TikTok hashtags to your videos will only be effective if you have a plan.

First, you must get familiar with TikTok analytics to find your audience and be consistent with your content and hashtags.

People often want to know how many hashtags on TikTok are okay to use, and we usually recommend using 3 to 5 hashtags on TikTok. But that doesn’t mean you should add #funny to a video that is not funny or another trending hashtag just because it’s popular. 

Before adding hashtags, you need to consider who your video is meant for and what you want them to do with it (like, share, comment).

If your goal is to go as wide as possible, the best hashtags for TikTok will do the trick. But if you’re creating niche content, popular TikTok hashtags that have nothing to do with your content won’t help you.

Best practices for TikTok hashtags

As we’ve said, there is no universal formula for becoming viral on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, or anywhere. The best practice is choosing your niche, posting regularly, interacting with your followers, and being consistent in terms of content and hashtags.

If you’re looking for general inspiration, here are some suggested hashtags in different popular niches. However, we always recommend checking which hashtags are currently trending. 


  • #music
  • #dance
  • #dancer
  • #party
  • #dancelife


  • #cooking
  • #food
  • #foodporn
  • #chef
  • #yummy


  • #fashion
  • #style
  • #ootd
  • #moda
  • #model 


  • #fitness
  • #gym
  • #workout
  • #fit
  • #fitnessmotivation 


  • #crafts
  • #handmade
  • #diy
  • #art
  • #craft 

Wrapping up

Using popular hashtags on TikTok can help you reach a wider audience than your followers, but you must use them mindfully.

Just slapping numerous trendy hashtags onto your videos won’t get you anywhere, especially if they have nothing to do with your content. Other aspects of your videos will help you succeed on the platform, like high-quality footage and music. So why not explore Artlist’s music collection for TikTok and footage and start creating the best TikTok videos you can?

So, instead of finding the best hashtags on TikTok, opt for 3 to 5 popular tags in your niche and direct your energy into creating exciting and original content and a profile worth following.

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Frequently asked questions

Yes, TikTok hashtags certainly do work. They let people find you more easily based on your content and what they are interested in, so it is always recommended to use them. But in moderation and only those hashtags closely related to your content.

Some of the best hashtags for TikTok include #fun, #fashion, #comedy, #funny, #meme, #fyp, #music, etc. However, be mindful of the hashtags you use. You shouldn't just add anything to your content, but something that really showcases your work!

The best hashtags to make you go viral are the ones that get the most likes. So hashtags like #fun, #fashion, #comedy, #funny, #meme, #fyp, #music, etc. combined with high-quality content can get you a long way!

First, know that there is no limit to the number of hashtags you can or should use, but there s a limit to the number of words you can put in the caption. So we recommend adding 3 to 5 trending hashtags and then writing a few thoughtful words in the caption.

Stefan Mitrovic is a tech geek and one of the founders of
streammentor.com. He's been trying to teach people how to stream, become popular and make a living out of it for a few years now. Even if one reader finds his writings useful, it's enough horsepower to make him write 2-3 guides daily.

More from Stefan Mitrovic
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