How to find the right voice-over for your video - Artlist Blog
How to find the right voice-over for your video How to find the right voice-over for your video How to find the right voice-over for your video How to find the right voice-over for your video How to find the right voice-over for your video


Voiceovers are a powerful tool to enhancing the viewer’s experience and share your message.
The first step in finding the right voiceover is understanding your brand and audience.
To create a voiceover there are two main options: hiring a voiceover artist or using AI voiceover generation.

Table of contents

In the dynamic world of video content creation, voiceovers play an important role in improving the viewer’s experience and sharing the right message. As the landscape of audio branding continues to evolve, the rise of generative AI tools has added a new dimension to this field. These tools, like those developed by ElevenLabs, are transforming how brands approach voiceovers, making it easier than ever to find the perfect voice to match their identity. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of voiceovers in video content, discuss how to find the right voiceover for your project, delve into future trends in audio branding, and highlight the benefits of voiceover branding.

Section 1: Understanding your brand and audience

The first step in finding the right voiceover is understanding your brand and audience. What kind of message do you want to convey? Who is your target audience? These questions are crucial in determining the type of voice that will resonate with your viewers. It’s most likely you’ll already be thinking about these questions for your video or your wider brand marketing activities. The trick here is to stay true to your brand and find a voice that fits.

According to Sam Sklar, Growth Marketing, ElevenLabs, “Understanding your audience is fundamental in choosing the right voice. The voice should align with the brand’s identity and the audience’s expectations.

It’s also important to consider the purpose and style of your video. Is it meant to be funny, informative, or serious? The tone of the voiceover should match the content. For example, a friendly and engaging tone works well for an explainer video, while a more authoritative voice might be suited for a corporate presentation.

Voice characteristics to consider

When selecting a voiceover, there are a few characteristics you should consider:

  • Tone: Should the voice be friendly, authoritative, calming, or energetic?
  • Gender and age: Depending on your audience, you might prefer a male or female voice, or a voice that sounds young or mature.
  • Accent and language: Consider whether your audience would respond better to a particular accent or if the video needs to be in multiple languages.

ElevenLabs and Artlist have made it possible for users to adjust voice settings to cater to audience and content types. When artists upload their voices to the ElevenLabs library, they can specify the type of content that best matches the unique characteristics of their voices. Whether you’re making content for a commercial, animated short, or audiobook, simply adjust the filter to find selections that fit your use case.

Voiceover artists vs. AI voiceover generation

When it comes to creating a voiceover for your video, you have two primary options: hiring a voiceover artist or using AI voiceover generation. Each approach has unique advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on your specific needs, budget, and timeline.

Voice-over artists

Human touch: A professional voiceover artist brings a natural human touch to the performance. A good voiceover artist should understand the nuances of emotion, pacing, and tone that are essential for delivering a compelling message.Expensive: Hiring a professional voiceover artist can be expensive, especially for high-quality talent. Rates can vary widely.
Emotional depth: VO artists are great at adding a wide range of emotions and genuine feelings into their performances, which can enhance the impact of your video. Time-consuming: The process of finding the right voiceover artist, negotiating contracts, and scheduling recording sessions can be time-consuming. This may not be ideal for projects with tight deadlines.
Versatility: Voiceover artists can adapt their style to suit various types of content, whether it’s a dramatic narration, a lighthearted commercial, or an informative explainer video. Their experience allows them to modify their delivery to match the intended message and audience perfectly.Scheduling and versatility: Top-tier voiceover artists are often in high demand, which can lead to scheduling conflicts and delays, particularly if you have a specific accent, person, or characteristic in mind. If your project requires immediate turnaround, this could be a challenge.

AI voice-over generation

Cost-effective: AI voiceover solutions are generally more affordable than hiring a professional artist. This makes them an attractive option for creators working with limited budgets or those who need frequent updates to content.Emotional nuance: Some AI voiceover generators can sound robotic. You can avoid this by choosing a high-quality generator and adjusting voice settings.
Fast: AI-generated voiceovers can be produced in minutes. This rapid turnaround is ideal for projects with tight deadlines or for creators who need to produce a large volume of content quickly. 

You can also quickly make edits if a project or script changes without having to re-record a voice-over.
Exclusivity: In most cases, voices are chosen from a catalog. However, if you want exclusive voices or something more boutique, you can search for unique catalogs like Artlist’s exclusive voices. 
Variety: AI voiceover tools offer diverse voices, tones, and languages. This flexibility allows you to choose the perfect voice for your project without geographic location or availability constraints.

Artlist’s AI voiceover generator

Artlist’s AI voice generator is a powerful and innovative solution for creators. With high-quality, customizable voices, you can transform your creative process and make your videos more dynamic and compelling than ever. 

This tool leverages advanced AI technology to produce professional voiceovers that can be tailored to your specific needs. With its easy-to-use voice settings, you can generate and customize voiceovers in minutes, making it ideal for both individual creators and brands.  

Whether you opt for a human voiceover artist or an AI-generated voice, the importance of a good script can’t be overstated. A well-written script is the foundation of an effective voiceover. It ensures that the message is clear, engaging, and tailored to your audience. Learn more about how to write a voiceover script

Section 2: The impact and future of audio branding

What is audio branding?

Audio branding is the strategic use of sound to reinforce a brand’s identity. This can include jingles, sound logos, and voiceovers. For example, the iconic “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle from McDonald’s or the distinct voice of Apple’s Siri are powerful audio branding elements that have become synonymous with their respective brands.

According to Sam Sklar, ElevenLabs, “By making all written content accessible via audio through automated voiceovers, companies can open up a new avenue for customers and audience members to engage with their content. Some brands are choosing to orient around and create brand equity in a single voice, while others are letting users choose from a selection of voices to find the one best suited to their unique taste.

New trends in audio branding

AI and synthetic voices:

AI and synthetic voices are becoming more sophisticated. This presents brands with an exciting new way to engage with their audiences. You can customize voices to match your brand identity and provide a consistent audio experience across all touchpoints.


Voice-cloning technology allows brands to replicate a specific voice, ensuring consistency and familiarity. This is particularly useful for brands that have a well-known spokesperson or character.

Personalized audio experiences and dynamic content:

AI can tailor audio content to individual listeners, creating a more personalized experience. For example, dynamic voiceovers can adjust based on the viewer’s preferences, location, or behavior. 

Another example of using AI voice generation for content personalization is how USA Today bestselling author Leeana Morgan used ElevenLabs to create personalized audiobooks for her audience, which resulted in a significant increase in sales. It’s clear that there’s enormous potential here, and it’s a super exciting space.

Section 3: Benefits of voice-over branding for businesses and creators

Voiceover branding is an emerging form of sonic branding. For example, the recognizable voices of Siri and Alexa have become iconic parts of Apple and Amazon’s brands. Voice branding can also be done on a smaller scale. Think about a memorable podcast intro, explainer voice, or even the classic TikTok auto-generated video voice. There are several benefits of voice-over branding for brands and creators.

1. Enhancing brand identity

Consistent voiceovers can significantly strengthen brand recognition. A distinct and consistent voice helps build emotional connections with the audience, making the brand more memorable and relatable.

2. Improving engagement and retention

Voiceovers can significantly increase engagement and message retention. A well-chosen voice can make content more engaging and memorable, encouraging viewers to share it with others.

3. Expanding reach and accessibility

Voiceovers can make content more accessible to diverse audiences. Multilingual voiceovers ensure that the message reaches a broader audience while inclusive and representative voices resonate with different demographic groups. Voice-overs can also help the vision impaired or other groups with audio accessibility needs. 

4. Boosting SEO and discoverability

Voice search optimization is becoming increasingly important. By incorporating voiceovers into your content, you can enhance your overall SEO strategy, making it easier for users to find your content through voice search.

Wrapping up

Voiceovers and audio branding are becoming essential components of video creation and successful digital strategy. As the landscape evolves, tools like Artlist’s AI voiceover generator and ElevenLabs’ innovative technologies are making it easier for brands to find the perfect voice to match their identity. 

By understanding your audience, embracing emerging trends, and leveraging the benefits of voiceover branding, you can create more engaging, memorable, and accessible content.

Ready to elevate your video content with the perfect voiceover? Try Artlist’s new AI voiceover generator today and discover the difference it can make for your brand.

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About the author

David Harris Is a writer from the UK that loves his proper English tea. Be it as it may, he’s decided to live a sunnier life and relocated to Sydney, Australia. Now he spends his time catching waves, capturing surf photography, and surfing the web for the latest filmmaking, creator economy, and marketing trends.

After years of industry experience, he’s decided to share his knowledge and passions with the world through writing. When he’s not working on his latest video script, blog post, or passionate letter to the editor, he’s talking to as many people as possible. David’s love for capturing human emotion and storytelling fuels his work and life.

David started working with Artlist in 2023 after many years as a user. He loves the range of content Artlist offers and is thrilled to be a part of the community.

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