A Guide for Sustainable Video Production

How to make sustainable videos


Sustainable films are a reality in the filmmaking industry, but there’s still a lot of work to be done
By following simple tips, you can reduce the carbon footprint of your shoot
Eco-friendly sets are growing thanks to an increasing environmental and social consciousness
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In the last few years, there has been a broader realization of the threat of global warming. As a result, the concern about our planet has started to be one of the main focuses of attention in political agendas and making sustainable videos has become a trend.

We love to film, but we can’t film without a planet. When we think about industrial contamination or carbon footprint, we have industrial chimneys expelling smoke in our minds. However, filmmaking is also an industry that leaves its trace in the environment, and it could improve from an ecological point of view. The standard filmmaking process as we know it today was established a century ago, mainly with cost efficiency in mind. Back then, nobody considered global warming a problem.

But filmmaking has evolved, and in 2022, the environment is a priority. The truth is that putting something other than money on the top of the list in a capitalist world is not always easy. But luckily, every industry is trying to adapt these days, and the filmmaking industry is no exception. Of course, this is not a single-player process but a team effort where governments, companies, educators, experts and all of us, in the end, are involved. Sustainable videos and films are now a reality thanks to all these factors. Documentaries, fiction films, corporate video productions, etc., can improve their practices from an environmental aspect.

Changing all the machinery in the different industries is not easy. That’s why it’s taking more time to make the change and establish new processes according to a greener world. Filmmaking, likewise, is a creative industry where everything works like a clock to make an idea reality at the least possible cost. But unfortunately, as creatives, we are sometimes so immersed in the process and obsessed with the outcome that we ignore “the corpses” we leave behind. 

The good thing is that the big players are already giving an example with their productions. Films and series like Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Spider-man 2, Blade Runner 2049, The Crown, Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, etc., are models of productions with a green philosophy, looking to reduce the carbon footprint and respect the environment and the locations where they were filmed. 

Also, many platforms and organizations help make productions more sustainable, give advice and educate present and future filmmakers. For example, green-screen.org.uk offers a service where you register your shoot and get a pre-production carbon estimate and action plan to help reduce your emissions.

Guide for making sustainable videos

Of course, a green approach in a shooting should be an organized procedure to make sure every step is followed. Whether working on a big production or as a solo filmmaker, filming a corporate video or a feature film, it’s best to prioritize sustainability by making this area an integral part of the production. You can even seek advice from experts in green filmmaking. They can help you educate team members and give you a series of steps to follow during the production process steps. 

Here are some tips to make your production cleaner. 

Have an estimate

It’s good to calculate the carbon footprint your production will leave because it’s easier to reduce it with precise numbers by following the following suggestions. Knowing how much energy you will be using will help you make decisions to improve your shoot. 

Have a plan

Planning all your green actions before the shoot will help you stay organized and efficient and save money and resources. Your budget will appreciate it.

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Rent instead of buying

Renting equipment will reduce the carbon footprint. If you have to buy, invest in long-lasting equipment. It will be more expensive, but it will be worth it in the long term.

Paper-free production

Nowadays, you can run an entire production without paper, sending documents via mail. Moreover, there are plenty of production management apps, and everyone with a phone (which is everybody) can get access to all the relevant documents.

Remote meetings

One of the positive things the pandemic left us is making these remote meetings a standard procedure. This practice will avoid unnecessary trips, and the environment will thank you.

Use energy-efficient equipment

This choice is evident in the lighting department – using LED lighting instead of tungsten lights. Eco-friendly and rechargeable batteries will help too. Another good idea is to use battery or solar-powered generators.

Plastic reduction

reduce plastic for making sustainable videos

Some productions use reusable coffee cups and water bottles for each member, an excellent idea to avoid tons of plastic residue after the shooting. When hiring a catering service, apply this recommendation and choose the most eco-friendly one.


Make a plan to optimize your crew’s transportation. The fewer trips, the better (budget-wise too). Many members can work perfectly from home. Also, using electric cars and train trips instead of flights will reduce the carbon footprint. 


Ensure to turn off all the equipment you don’t use -not only lights and cameras but computers and laptops overnight. Again, every watt counts when reducing your footprint. 

Re-use props

Try not to buy new stuff. Instead, use props and elements from other shootings that could work in your production. This practice will avoid tons of waste after the shoot. Even if you need to create a precise world in your production, try to use recyclable materials. Eco sets are becoming more and more popular these days. 

Educate your team

Nothing better than a sustainable production expert to help you make your crew aware of this issue before the shooting. 

Remember, all these tips will work better under a well-structured plan. Take your time and resources in pre-production to make your green production a reality.

Wrap up

Living on a threatened planet, money and cost shouldn’t be the main aspects of an efficient film production anymore. Instead, sustainable videos and consciousness toward the environment in the filmmaking industry will benefit all of us in the long term. The transition to this new world will not be easy or fast, but it is the only way to secure future generations the possibility to keep telling stories through the camera. At least on this planet.

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Jose Prada is a filmmaker, musician and writer based in the UK and Spain. He has won several awards with short films and commercials and has published filmmaking courses on different platforms. jrvisuals.co.uk, the production company he founded together with Rene Strgar contributes high-end stock footage to Artgrid.

More from Jose Prada
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